Friday, 11 August 2017

Killing Us Softly With The Sludge

Here's another example of the total inability of this criminally inept bunch of thugs who refer to themselves as a government.

They are killing more people now than they ever did in their "much vaunted", mythical and "heroic" Struggle - their own kind. Good for them!

In any civilised society the people responsible would be charged for theft and manslaughter, but not in Cadre Country. Oh no, it's their right to steal the money intended for maintenance [and other things] and to let people die because of their thievery. We are no longer a civilised society. After 25 years it's still all Apartheid's fault. The fact that everything was in perfect working order when it was gifted to the sub-species by the White traitors is conveniently ignored. What an absolutely despicable species they are!

The problem is, however, that they're not only killing people,directly, with e-coli, but also visiting famine on the country by poisoning the lands that produce the crops that feed the nation. A total collapse of the infrastructure is looming just around the next bend in the one-way track down the slippery slope of degradation and destruction. Everything they touch turns to shit. Nothing is immune from their gross ineptitude.

Yet, they insist on governing? How much more proof do their voters need to see that their beloved ANC gubbamunt are not capable of. governing? In fact, not just the ANC, but any of the dark variety. Can you imagine the chaos if Juliaas and his bunch of idiots & clowns came to power?

They exorcised the capable Whites from all government structures and this is now the situation the country finds itself in. If they had any sense of moral obligation to the electorate they would beg those Whites to return and fix what they have destroyed. Let them posture like peacocks in parliament and in public, in their ridiculous and embarrassing "ethnic-inspired" finery, but get capable people to run the show.

Heinous doesn't even come close to describing them. They are totally morally bankrupt. Talk abut crimes against humanity! What is this if not a crime against humanity; killing their own people [mainly] with the sludge of their degradation that manifests itself, in its physical form, in the collapsed infrastructure?

Tuesday, 8 August 2017

The Rainbow Abortion.

This is not mine. I found it on Farcebook [that's not a typo either]. It sums up this fucked up country very well . . . I think?

I copied this post from a place where I could not share.
Here is final compilation of all your inputs... will be a great guide towards what we dont want and want we do want in our future...
I no longer want..
I no longer want to build anything just to get it burnt down.
I no longer want to be in a non law abiding society.
I no longer want to live in a Godless society.
I no longer want to fear the corrupt police force.
I no longer want to work very hard to pay taxes just be wasted in corruption and state enterprises like SAA, PRASA, Eskom etc.
I no longer want to see the level of murders on farmers and others being ignored.
I no longer want to have slaved and stressed to build up a company and have to give half of it away through BEE.
I no longer want to be afraid to even go out at night. I want to be able to laugh again and feel free.
I no longer want to be governed by leaders who sow racial hatred and bulldust everybody and live the high life at the expense of the citizenry.
I no longer want to be made guilty for having been born white, for colonialism and white monopoly capital.
I no longer want to worry when they coming to claim my land I paid for.
I no longer want to see protests and the destruction of property, looting and burning.
I no longer want to be unemployed, because I am the wrong skin colour, having worked so hard to get a University degree.
I no longer want to be so stressed when my husband or daughters go out that I won't see them again.
I no longer want to worry about our economy and the value of the Rand.
I no longer want to be a second class citizen in my own country.
I no longer want to live in a "prison" while criminals walk free and have all the rights.
I no longer want to be scared to lose my job because I am the wrong skin colour.
I no longer want to see no future for me or my family.
I no longer want to be part of this so called rainbow nation. Its now a black tornado sucking up everything ever built and destroying it.
I no longer want to worry what the future holds for my children and grandchildren, when I am dead and gone.
I no longer want to be reminded of apartheid and be blamed for what our forefathers did.
I no longer want to fear for my family's safety on the road, in the workplace and at school.
I no longer want to fear that we will be held at gunpoint while we sleep.
I no longer want to be ruled by people who do not have the same morals, ethics, principles, beliefs and believe in rule of law and the constitution.
I no longer want to live in fear. I want to rediscover the simple, precious joy of life!
I no longer want to contribute to this country that gives nothing but consumes all.
I no longer want to drape my laundry all over my home instead of outside on the wash line.
I no longer want to stay locked up in my home while my garden goes to pot.
I no longer want to see children stuck playing inside instead riding their bikes at a park.
I no longer want to be part of a state that has been captured by the greedy.
I no longer want to experience reverse Apartheid.
I no longer want to hate !!!!
I no longer want to be in a country where we whites are hated.
I no longer want to be frustrated daily by people not seeing or understanding what is being done to them by their elected leaders. I no longer want them to be taken for a ride.
I no longer love or feel part of the beautiful South Africa that once was.
I want a place……
I want a place I can be part of and build up, pay taxes, be law abiding and see progress and prosperity.
I want a place that only those who have employment may vote.
I want a place where my efforts can become my future
I want a place where I can build a business and hand it down through generations of my family
I want a place where law and order are obeyed.
I want a place where we can build statues and monuments being proud of our future and our past.
I want a place where my child will have a future.
I want a place where my kids and I can walk the streets anytime without fear.
I want a place where race is non existent.
I want a place where like minded people build a prosperous future together built on mutual respect.
I want to be a part of creating a safe, unbiased non-racial future for my grand children !!!
I want a place where my grandchildren and great grandchildren have a secure, non-racial and safe future.
I want a place where crimes and corruption get punished harshly.
I want a place where the rules of the road are strictly adhered to and the police inforce them.
I want a place with a stable currency and strong economy.
I want a place where my taxes go to creating better infrastructure like roads, hospitals, schools, universities etc.
I want a place where the most qualified or best for the job gets employed.
I want a place that was like the South Africa I used to know...
I want a place that elects its President like the America and has a system similar.
I want a place where laughter and fun abound.
I want a place where there is peace in ones heart.
I want a place where all pay their fair share of taxes.
I want a place where peace, love and compassion is the norm of the day.
I want a place with good affordable health care for all !!
I want a place where people of all races have mutual respect for each other....and I want a place where there is Equal opportunity for all.
I want a place where Christianity is practiced as a norm and in schools and a country based on Christian values.
I want a place where all illegal immigrants are forced to go back to their own country and the borders closed and manned.
I want a place that spreads kindness and compassion a place full of love.
I want to see all the informal settlements gone and normal homes in their place.
I want a president that loves and respects every one of us.
I want to see happy children of all colours playing happily in city parks.
I want to see all drug lords selling drugs to our children get thrown in jail.
I want to respect a policeman again.
I want a place where if you dont work you dont eat.
I want a place where people only produce offspring that they can afford to care for...and don't expect others to do that for them.
I want a place to live with no walls, burglar bars and electric fences because it is a peace loving society and my family and home are under no threat.
I want to live in a place that encourages and enables folks to open their own business so they in turn can employ people and train others to do the same. A society that supports and builds each other up for success.
I want a God fearing country.
I want a place where I can be proud of my country, its people and its government!
I want a place where people know the difference between a right and a privilege.
I want a place where my children can study in their own language and schools where they learn about their history.
I want a place where I can see children walking together and playing together without the fear of being mugged or shot
I'd like a place where I could walk alone anywhere, beach, veld, mountains, forest, national parks without fear and without being mugged, stabbed or raped and killed.
Happy days! 
Maybe we'll be rid of the Msholozi Showehead this afternoon . . ., but I doubt it.

Tuesday, 1 August 2017


Moral Conviction; The Right Stuff.

Thanks to JP Viljoen for the following which raises a few valid points which I will address at the end.

Dictionary: Troop, n., a stupid "ape" who cares about the pleasure of expressing mars male animus aggression more than whom it is expressed on or for what cause. 
Expendable, in the "theatre" of war, after being used, disposed of.

Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change.
Robert Kennedy
It is curious - curious that physical courage should be so common in the world, and moral courage so rare.
Mark Twain
He's a man of great common sense and good taste - meaning thereby a man without originality or moral courage.
George Bernard Shaw
Moral courage is higher and a rarer virtue than physical courage.
William J Slim
The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigour, and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric marks the chief danger of the time.
John Stuart Mill
Physical courage, which despises all danger, will make a man brave in one way; and moral courage, which despises all opinion, will make a man brave in another.
Charles Caleb Colton
We need men with moral courage to speak and write their real thoughts, and to stand by their convictions, even to the very death.
Robert Green Ingersoll
Optimism is the true moral courage.
Ernest Shackleton
Moral courage is a more rare commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence.
Robert Francis Kennedy
Last, but by no means least, courage -- moral courage, the courage of one’s convictions, the courage to see things through. The world is in a constant conspiracy against the brave. It’s the age-old struggle -- the roar of the crowd on one side and the voice of your conscience on the other.
General Douglas MacArthur
When the man of physical courage yet no moral courage, needs someone else to tell him who to shoot, that's called a "troop", a good "doggie" with a nice shiny dog tag, or a PMC mercenary soulless golem, who fights for money, for bragging rights, and looking good in uniform which ultimately translates to as stated in Full Metal Jacket, for "poontang".

When he figures out who to shoot on his own, for no material gain other than the beatitude of conscience, the survival and hope for a better life for posterity, the TRUE CURRENCY the River of Life, the blood, the nation, the nation, the race, and has the physical and moral courage to do it, at great personal risk at great personal cost, that is called, a rebel, an insurgent, a werewolf, defence hunter, a freedom fighter, a free man, or, a patriot, as it were, once upon a time such a thing existed, a true believer, a true son of the Republic, heeding the call of his pater to defend the patrius, the father land.

Observations & Remarks:

Herein lies the crux of our cause. If [when?] it comes down to the wire, we won’t be fighting for some idealistic political agenda, but for survival; the preservation of our heritage, culture, religion and morals. If we were awesome in the 70’s & 80’s, fighting “Die Rooi Gevaar”, imagine how much more awesome we can [will?] be when we’re fighting for our very survival and that of the White Race?

That’s what it’s coming down to. And, take heart my brethren, we here at the tip of the Dark Continent, are not the end, but The New Beginning, the resurgence of White Pride, the preservation of civilisation and morality. None of these are possible if our society is infested with the plaques of darkness, liberalism, diversity, multi-culturism and all the other demented notions that left wing liberals conceive in their crazy, mixed up minds. The only solution is the total removal, with extreme prejudice, of any and everything that poses a threat to our civilisation and culture. We’re done with being good “doggies” and fighting wars on behalf of the NWO/Illuminati/OWG for purposes of their nefarious and satanic agenda.

If it comes to it, we will fight this fight for ourselves, with the moral conviction that we’re fighting
for everything we hold dear and value and the justness of our cause. And, in a slight contradiction of the meme, we will have the added inspiration of despising “the ones in front of us”; inspired by the memories of the brutality that The Forces of Darkness employed when slaughtering our elderly, the defenceless, our women and little children. I say despise, because to hate them would imply that we hold them in some kind of regard as humans. We don’t and they aren’t. They are vermin or parasites, to be exterminated, totally, along with their libtard lackeys.

But, the “Boere” need to wake up and unite. By “Boere” I mean every right-thinking White person, no matter if we’re Rooinek, Dutchie, Porra, Griek, etc., we’re all one nation under God. There are many Afrikaners in this country, traitors of the White Tribe of Africa, who are no more a Boer than Msholozi Showerhead or Juliaas are.

There’s another version of the above parody of the god of the Illuminati; gold, oil & drugs and that is gold, oil and diamonds. And let’s look at who controls those:
Gold:                   Rothschild
Oil:                      Rockefeller
Diamonds:          Oppenheimer
And guess what those three all have in common? Sorry, no prize . . .
I also wonder why Nicky Oppenheimer is the only person in the world who has a licence to operate an aircraft within the greater square mile of The City of London. Apparently the Queen [fucking old lizard / shapeshifter that she is] doesn’t even enjoy that privilege. Why?
But, I digress. The Illuminati is the ultimate problem, but not one that we can do anything about, at this stage. Our immediate problem and the one that confronts us daily, here on Ground Zero, that is in our faces every day, is the one we need to focus on, for the immediate future. That is the immediate threat to our heritage, culture, religion and moral values. The insecure ones who have to invoke a 114 discriminatory laws aimed at just 8% of the population.

One step at a time. It’s time for The Reign of Terror & Thuggery to come to an end and Mike & The Cape Party’s vision of The Republic of The Cape of Good [New?] Hope to become a reality.