Here's another example of the total inability of this criminally inept bunch of thugs who refer to themselves as a government.
They are killing more people now than they ever did in their "much vaunted", mythical and "heroic" Struggle - their own kind. Good for them!
In any civilised society the people responsible would be charged for theft and manslaughter, but not in Cadre Country. Oh no, it's their right to steal the money intended for maintenance [and other things] and to let people die because of their thievery. We are no longer a civilised society. After 25 years it's still all Apartheid's fault. The fact that everything was in perfect working order when it was gifted to the sub-species by the White traitors is conveniently ignored. What an absolutely despicable species they are!
The problem is, however, that they're not only killing people,directly, with e-coli, but also visiting famine on the country by poisoning the lands that produce the crops that feed the nation. A total collapse of the infrastructure is looming just around the next bend in the one-way track down the slippery slope of degradation and destruction. Everything they touch turns to shit. Nothing is immune from their gross ineptitude.
Yet, they insist on governing? How much more proof do their voters need to see that their beloved ANC gubbamunt are not capable of. governing? In fact, not just the ANC, but any of the dark variety. Can you imagine the chaos if Juliaas and his bunch of idiots & clowns came to power?
They exorcised the capable Whites from all government structures and this is now the situation the country finds itself in. If they had any sense of moral obligation to the electorate they would beg those Whites to return and fix what they have destroyed. Let them posture like peacocks in parliament and in public, in their ridiculous and embarrassing "ethnic-inspired" finery, but get capable people to run the show.
Heinous doesn't even come close to describing them. They are totally morally bankrupt. Talk abut crimes against humanity! What is this if not a crime against humanity; killing their own people [mainly] with the sludge of their degradation that manifests itself, in its physical form, in the collapsed infrastructure?
Al you say is a fact TT, but yet some don't want to know! Still lekkerrr in the lobster pot, untill it affects them!