I quote from Ayn Rand’s
anti-socialist masterpiece, Atlas Shrugged,. specifically the conversation between Ragnar
Danneskjöld and Hank Rearden upon first meeting. We begin with Ragnar
Danneskjöld speaking:
“ . . .. But I’ve chosen a special mission
of my own. I’m after a man whom I want to destroy. He died many centuries ago,
but until the last trace of him is wiped out of men’s minds, we will not have a
decent world to live in.”
“What man?”
“Robin Hood.”
Rearden looked at him blankly, not
“He was the man who robbed the rich and gave
to the poor. Well, I’m the man who robs the poor and gives to the rich-or, to
be exact, the man who robs the thieving poor and gives to the productive rich.”
“What in blazes do you mean?”
“If you remember the stories you’ve read about me in the newspapers,
before they stopped printing them, you know that I have never robbed a private
ship and never taken any private property. Nor have I ever robbed a military
vessel-because the purpose of the military fleet is to protect from violence
the citizens who paid for it, which is the proper function of a government. But
I have seized every loot-carrier that came within range of my guns, every
government relief ship, subsidy ship, loan ship, gift ship, every vessel with a
cargo of goods taken by force from some men for the unpaid, unearned benefit of
others. I am fighting: the idea that need is a sacred idol requiring human
sacrifices-that the need of some men is the knife of a guillotine hanging over
others-that all of us must live with our work, our hopes, our plans, our
efforts at the mercy of the moment when the knife will descend upon us-and that
the extent of our ability is the extent of our danger, so that success will bring
our heads down on the block, while failure will give us the right to pull the
cord. This is the horror which Robin Hood immortalized as an ideal of
righteousness. It is said he fought against the looting rulers and returned the
loot to those who had been robbed, but that is not the meaning of the legend
which has survived. He is remembered not as a champion of property, but as a champion of need, not as a defender of the robbed, but as a provider of the poor. He is held to be the first man who assumed
a halo of virtue by practicing charity with wealth he did not own, by giving
away goods which he had not produced, by making others pay for the luxury of
his pity. He is the man who became the symbol of the idea that need, not achievement,
is the source of rights, that we don’t have to produce, only to want, that the
earned does not belong to us, but the unearned does. He became a justification
for every mediocrity who, unable to make his own living, has demanded the power
to dispose of the property of his betters, by proclaiming his willingness to
devote his life to his inferiors at the price of robbing his superiors. It is
this foulest of creatures-the double parasite who lives on the sores of the poor and
the blood of the rich-whom men have come to regard as a moral ideal. And this
has brought us to a world where the more a man produces, the closer he comes to
the loss of all his rights, until, if his ability is great enough, he becomes a
rightless creature delivered as prey to any claimant-while in order to be
placed above rights, above principles, above morality, placed where anything is
permitted to him, even plunder and murder, all a man has to do is to be in
need. Do you wonder why the world is collapsing around us? That is what I am
fighting, Mr Rearden. Until men learn that of all human symbols, Robin Hood is
the most immoral and most contemptible, there will be no justice on earth and
no way for mankind to survive.”
Rearden listened, feeling numb. But under the numbness, like the first
thrust of a seed breaking through, he felt an emotion he could not identify
except that it seemed familiar and very distant, like something experienced and
renounced long ago.
“What I actually am, Mr Rearden, is a policeman.
It is the policeman’s duty to protect men from criminals-criminals being those
who seize wealth by force. It is the policeman’s duty to retrieve stolen
property and return it to its owners. But when robbery becomes the purpose of
the law, and the policeman’s duty becomes, not the protection, but the plunder
of property-then it is an outlaw who has to become a policeman.” End of quote.
I'm sure you all see what RD is saying, in the context of the situation we now find ourselves
in in this Rainbow Shithole Abortion.
The thieving poor = ANC, SACP, Unions,
etc., and their subservient, “gimme
free-stuff” minions – the riff-raff of society with a sense of entitlement,
although they have never achieved or produced one iota.
The productive rich = farmers, industrialists and all other producers
and contributors to the economic and social well-being of civilised society.
You see, what these cANCerous
useful idiot creatures who govern us [for the time being, anyway] are too
stupid to understand, is that they are merely the totally dispensable pawns in
the Illuminati / NWO / OWG’s game. Just as the White libs [more useful idiots]
who further the creatures’ agenda will be dispensed with, by the very creatures
they now so diligently serve. Once they’ve served their purpose, so will the
creatures be dispensed with, once they have served their interim masters’
Do you, for one moment, think
that the NWO, with their target of 500 million “sustainable population” for
earth, will allow this specie to survive? This creature that breeds incessantly
and indiscriminately, who has never and never will produce anything, who only
destroys everything it comes into contact with will be exterminated like the
parasite it is. The world has mechanised and there is no longer a need for hewers of wood and bearers of water and especially not for those, who throughout
all eternity, have never been capable of even sustaining that which it spawns.
No, my friends, the writing is
also on the wall for them. After we, the rightminded Whites, who stand in the
way of the Illuminati’s goals have been dispensed with the parasite will
The cANCer, just like Robin Hood
is proud to proclaim that they will take from those who have spent their lives
producing and give it to those who have never produced and who have no
intention, or capability, of ever doing so. If the cANCer implodes, as they are likely to do by 2019, the EFFluent are already being groomed to take their place, in case the goals haven't been achieved yet. [I refer to Juliaas's meeting with Lord Renwick and others].
So, it is our duty to our
forefathers , those creators of civilisation and our Christian God, to defend our faith, heritage and the centuries
of civilisation that the White Tribes of Western Europe, the descendants of the 10 Lost Tribes, cultivated.
We have to become
outlaw-policemen, like Ragnar Danneskjöld, and defy the immoral authorities in
any and every [legal - for now] way possible.
Already their tax collection is waning. The police are ineffective and the mobs are overrunning them. The SANDF we won't even talk about. Anarchy, I believe, is just over the horizon. Our salvation or our destruction, you choose which it will be for you. I know what my choice is . . .
It's five-to-midnight, ladies and gentlemen, and the clock, she's a-tickin'!
Be prepared.
The subservient, “gimme free-stuff” minions have no idea that they are only being used as weapons of mass murder and destruction only to be discarded later. In the meantime they have the current license for killing the Boer!
ReplyDeleteWell, well. After 6 months of searching I stumble across this.
ReplyDeleteTom. I haven't typed a comment in months so where does a guy start.? Just glad to see this blog.!
This is a good start, but it will take effort to grow. Hopefully we can get the rest of the guys on board little by little..
Fuckkit, I hope this blog still works and you get this post..? Laat n man weet asb.?
C'mom Boet, contact me on thompsonthommo@gmail.com
DeleteThe guys & girls on SA Renaissance Right are awaiting you. Mike Smith might be opening a blog again.
Hey Boet!!! Inbox me at: thompsonthommo@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteA few of us from the blog have a WhatsApp group going [JP Viljoen, Whiteman, Helizna Killian and about 20 others, but I have even better news. Tja, I've been talking with "The Man".
I'm afraid this blog was a poor attempt at emulating him. As you can see I don't have the required commitment and not nearly as well-read.
Cheers, look forward to your email!!!
BLCN, sorry I'm so late in replying, but please get in touch. The guys on the WApp group are excited that you've surfaced. Shit, I hope you haven't given up!