Gigaba se ‘plan’ bring ons absoluut nêrens
Die ANC-regering het in die afgelope 20 jaar genoeg planne gemaak om die land se uitdagings die hoof te bied, maar die knoop lê by die inwerkingstelling daarvan, skryf prof. Johan Willemse.
Translation of the above:
Gigaba's plan takes us absolutely nowhere
During the past 20 years the ANC goverrnment has made enough plans to solve all the country's problems, but the problem lies with the implementation thereof.
And that, my friends, is the crux of the whole matter and the problem with this country. The ANC is simply not capable of governing and managing the affairs of the state. Let's even forget about the corruption and stealing and focus only on their capabilities, or rather, inabilities.
I have not the foggiest idea what this snappily-dressing, jumped-up garden boy's latest "stroke of sheer genius" is and neither do I intend to waste time investigating the matter. As all the hundreds of plans preceding it, it is doomed to failure as all the others. Even if it has any merit, which I very much doubt, the ineptitude of those who will be tasked with implementing it will ensure yet another speedy passage to the rubbish heap of all the ANC's other grandiose schemes to save the country.
All these "plans" should be seen in the context of what they in reality are. Any plan devised by this bunch of jabbering idiots is just another intention to provide an opportunity to loot the state coffers. Oh, they're not at all stupid when it comes to that! Actually, they are, but they don't care to be exposed because they know they will simply snub their noses at the law and that nothing will happen to them. The matter won't be pursued and, at best, some junior minion will be sacrificed and thrown under the bus.
I have no idea how many government departments these mentally challenged imbeciles have created, but I fully support Dawie Roodt when he says there should be no more than six. For heaven's sake, a Ministry of Sport?!?! To name but one. What on earth has sport got to do with governance? What it has to do with is appointing government lackeys to positions of power in various sporting bodies so they can loot the coffers. Graham Joffe exposed how the monies from the lotto which are meant for our sportsmen and women are looted by Gideon Sam and his cronies. Joffe had to flee the country in the face of death threats from these gangsters and hoodlums and our sports stars have to pay their own way.
That is exactly what they are. They do the Mafia proud. Each and everyone of them belong behind bars, starting with Msholozi Showerhead down to the lowliest black bureaucrat.
They are all guilty of both ineptitude and corruption. In two years of working closely with them I only came across one with any integrity, an educated fellow who said to me that he found it impossible to work in that environment and would have to leave. .
You see, these things have no morals and no understanding of humanity. It's not in their DNA to care about their fellows. The only thing that exists in its world is IT. It equates corruption with intelligence. It has no vision to see the consequences of its actions and, if it does, it doesn't care. It's dog eat dog and the devil [their god] take the hindmost.

No, dear friends. Have absolutely nothing to do with them. The only way is to treat them as they do us. Snub them at every opportunity and in any way possible> Do not employ them. Do not donate to charities because nothing ever gets to the needy Whites. Parasite gets it all.
They are surely the spawn of Satan and the only way to counter them is to fight fire with fire. Forget about The Rules of Engagement, The Geneva Convention and all the other civilised stuff. Be twice as brutal. That is the only language it understands. Any sign of compassion it interprets as weakness. Believe me, we are fighting for God and the survival of the White race, as we have been for 2000 years.
Be prepared and aware!
It is not our time yet. Our time will come and then we must be prepared. Stock up on food and and...
ReplyDeleteThe day they come for us is the day they will get it. Don't do something that will get you in jail or worse. I know it is not an easy thing to do, but wait for the right moment.
Welcome, Plaaskind!
DeleteYou're right. For now, patience is the watchword. It's difficult with our mense being slaughtered left right and centre, but that's a price we have to pay, unfortunately. It's also going to get worse before it starts getting better. Vasbyt for now. Our revenge will be sweet and complete.
Remember Mike's parting shot? See you at The Equator.
SWG, I agree. We're the last outpost.
ReplyDeleteWell, if it's a fight they want, it's a fight they're going to get. All the Whites from up north fled south to SA [or overseas, but overseas is a little screwed up now?] Cape Agulhas is as far south as I can go. I don't know about you, but Antarctica doesn't appeal to me much?
So it looks like this is The Last Stand? I'll trust in Siener and God. We shall overcome!